Statements of Support

Elected officials, community activists, and labor unions support Josh Newman for Senate.


Elected officials, community activists, and labor unions support Josh Newman for Senate.

Working families endorse Josh Newman for Senate

“The Community Action Fund of Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties proudly endorses Senator Josh Newman for re-election for Senate District 37. In the State Senate, Josh Newman has always fought to protect and expand access to reproductive health care and education.” — Community Action Fund of Planned Parenthood Orange and San Bernardino Counties

“Josh Newman has been a strong partner with firefighters and paramedics in the State Senate. He understands the vital need for more resources to combat extreme heat and wildfires which is why he has worked with us to invest more in firefighters, equipment and tools we need to protect the public. The California Professional Firefighters are proud to endorse Josh Newman for re-election to the State Senate. Firefighters and paramedics believe Josh Newman is the best choice.” — California Professional Firefighters

“Josh Newman is a bold, uncompromising leader who has a record of standing up for working people, firefighters and first responders. That’s why CAL FIRE Local 2881 is asking you to join them in endorsing Josh’s re-election for Senate District 37. Josh has worked hard to ensure that firefighters, first responders and frontline workers have the resources and tools necessary to keep the public safe. Our active and retired members appreciate all he has done for firefighters and our families, and we hope our endorsement will assist the voters in the 37th Senate District in making their choice on Election Day. We look forward to continue working with Josh to enhance emergency services for Californians in the years to come.” — CAL FIRE Local 2881

“California’s educators are excited to recommend Senator Josh Newman in his re-election campaign for State Senate because he has been a bold advocate for quality public education throughout his career. Josh understands that our state’s teachers and their students deserve full funding and strong support to ensure the best possible educational environment, and has proven himself to be a champion for California’s public education system. We look forward to helping Josh get elected and working with him in the years to come to strengthen unions and local schools in District 37, and throughout the state.” — California Teachers Association

“We need leaders in Sacramento who Californians can count on to be forward-thinking, unwavering champions for students, teachers and classified employees across the state and at every level. That’s why the California Federation of Teachers is excited to endorse Josh Newman’s re-election to the State Senate, because he has been an innovative, bold, and effective leader who fights tirelessly to fully fund local schools as well as provide better pay and workplace conditions for educators and classified employees. Josh is the clear choice for District 37, and we look forward to helping him get elected.” — CFT – A Union of Educators and Classified Professionals

“Frontline nurses stand with Josh Newman because Josh Newman has stood with frontline nurses. Josh understands the challenges our members face on a regular basis. He recognizes the critical importance of ensuring our members have good wages and benefits, that our rights are protected, that we must be able to organize and bargain collectively, safeguard existing nurse to patient ratios, and that we, as a state, guarantee healthcare for all. For these reasons and more, the California Nurses Association is proud to endorse Josh Newman for State Senate. He is the best choice for nurses, patients and building a better healthcare system for the people of California.” — California Nurses Association

“The working men and women of the International Union of Painters & Allied Trades (IUPAT) District Council 36 are pleased to give Josh Newman our enthusiastic support and endorsement. Josh understands the critical work that our members do to keep our economy moving. He has been an ally, a champion and a warrior for working families. We look forward to helping ensure he is re-elected to the State Senate.”— International Union of Painters & Allied Trades (IUPAT) District Council 36

“Working people across Southern California need advocates fighting for us in the State Legislature. Josh Newman is not only an advocate for workers – but he’s been a bold, fearless leader for us. From prioritizing investments in infrastructure to create more good union jobs and strengthening our economy, to fighting for higher wages and better benefits for workers, Josh Newman has always been there for our members. He has our strong endorsement.”— United Association (UA) Local 250 – Steamfitters and Refrigeration

“Throughout his career, Josh Newman has been a bold, forward-thinking, unapologetic champion for California’s working people by advancing common sense solutions, supporting better wages and benefits, tougher workplace protections, and creative solutions that help grow and expand our middle class. That’s why Operating Engineers Local 12 is excited to endorse Josh Newman for State Senate District 37, because he has proven himself a leader and champion who will fight for an economy that works for all of us. We’re with Josh 100%.”— International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) Local 12

“Throughout his time in the State Senate, Josh Newman has been deeply committed to confronting the critical issues facing IHSS workers and other working families across his district, consistently putting people over politics. That’s why the members of UDW/AFSCME Local 3930 are excited to endorse Josh for Senate District 37, because we know he will continue to be a champion for working Californians in Sacramento.”— AFSCME Local 3930 – UDW

“As a State Senator, Josh Newman has time and time again been a champion for working families—even when it’s difficult. That’s why the LA/OC Building and Construction Trades Council is proud to support Josh’s re-election campaign for District 37, because we know Josh will continue to demand stronger workplace protections, expand critical investments in infrastructure, support vital apprenticeship programs, and fight for higher wages and benefits. We look forward to helping Josh remain in the Senate and working with him to expand middle-class, union jobs throughout our region.” — Los Angeles/Orange County Building Trades Council

“Throughout his time in the State Senate, Josh has been a dynamic, forward-thinking force on behalf of working families, fighting a livable wage and benefits, protecting workers’ rights, increasing access to affordable healthcare, rebuilding our infrastructure to create more good jobs, and advocating for more investments in critical job-training programs. We know Josh will continue to be a champion for working families and that’s why he has our full and enthusiastic support.” — Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters

“Whether it’s demanding stronger worker protections, standing in solidarity with workers in picket lines, advocating for higher wages and benefits, or improving our infrastructure, Josh Newman has been a bold leader for working people throughout his time in the State Senate. That’s why the Southern California District Council of Laborers is proud to endorse Josh’s re-election for District 37, because we know he will continue to be a champion for Orange County’s working families.” — Southern California District Council of Laborers

“The Iron Workers District Council of California & Vicinity is proud to endorse Josh Newman for State Senate. Josh has been a strong advocate for Iron Workers throughout his time in Sacramento. He has fought for fair wages, better benefits, and safer working conditions. He has also been a vocal supporter of apprenticeship programs and workforce development, bringing living wage careers back to Orange County. We believe that Josh Newman is the best candidate to represent working families in the State Senate. He has the experience, the knowledge, and the commitment to fight for our interests. We look forward to working with Josh to ensure that working families have a strong voice in Sacramento.” — The Iron Workers District Council of California & Vicinity

“Josh Newman has spent his career standing up for what is right—even and especially when it’s difficult. He is the embodiment of the values our members hold dear, and is exactly the type of leader we need in Sacramento. That’s why the members of Laborers Local 652 are proud to endorse Josh Newman for State Senate for District 37 and look forward to continuing to deliver for working Californians in Sacramento.” — Laborers International Union of North America (LiUNA!) Local 652

“The working people that power Teamsters Joint Council 42 are excited to again endorse Josh Newman for State Senate. Whether it’s demanding stronger worker protections, standing in solidarity with workers in picket lines, advocating for a higher minimum wage, or improving our infrastructure, Josh has been a bold champion for working families in District 37 and throughout California. We look forward to helping him in his campaign and continuing to work with Josh in Sacramento to expand good-paying union jobs for all.” — Teamsters Joint Council 42 

“The California Faculty Association is proud to endorse Josh Newman’s re-election bid for State Senate District 37, because he has been a stalwart champion for California’s public education system throughout his career. We know Josh will continue to be a bold advocate for our state’s public universities, ensuring better wages for college faculty and making higher education more affordable and accessible for all California students. Josh is the clear choice for District 37, and we look forward to helping him get elected.” — California Faculty Association

“The members of the Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs are proud to endorse Josh Newman’s re-election to the State Senate because he’s been a strong champion for safer communities throughout his career. A veteran, Josh deeply understands the importance of ensuring law enforcement has the tools and resources needed to fight crime and keep the public safe. He’s also worked to crack down on retail theft, increase penalties for sex trafficking, and deliver real solutions to our homelessness crisis. Josh has been and continues to be a partner with Orange County law enforcement officials and we’re excited to support him.” — Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs

“Sierra Club is proud to endorse Josh Newman’s election campaign for District 37 because he’s been a champion for a clean, safe and healthy environment. Throughout his time in the State Senate, Josh has been a bold, effective leader for his constituents, preserving natural and open space, protecting clean air and clean water for local communities, and enhancing recycling infrastructure across the state. We know that Josh will continue these efforts and more in Sacramento, and we’re with him 100%.” — Sierra Club

Elected leaders endorse Josh Newman for Senate

“Senator Josh Newman has been an invaluable partner in moving California forward. From investing in our public schools to safeguarding reproductive freedom and passing stronger gun safety laws, Josh has delivered real results for his Orange County families. His commitment to fighting for his constituents and our California values is unwavering, and I have every confidence that he will continue to serve with integrity and passion.”— California Governor Gavin Newsom

“Josh Newman brings levelheaded, pragmatic and forward-thinking vision to problem-solving and getting things done for the people he represents. That’s precisely what we need more of in California. We need Josh Newman in the State Senate because he is an effective leader. I am pleased to endorse Josh Newman’s re-election to the Senate.”— U.S. Congressmember Lou Correa

“I support Senator Josh Newman because he’s a proven fighter for the people of Orange County. Josh is an effective, forward-thinking leader dedicated to investing in our public schools and colleges, combating climate change, tackling the affordable housing crisis and protecting reproductive freedom. California needs his compassionate, pragmatic leadership.”— State Senate President Pro Tem Toni Atkins

“Josh Newman is a proven leader with the experience, passion, and vision to bring people together to confront Orange County’s greatest challenges. I’m proud to endorse his campaign for Senate District 37 because we need Josh in Sacramento, continuing the fight to strengthen our public schools, keep our communities safe, make higher education more affordable, tackle climate change, and ensure good-paying jobs across Orange County. I’m with Josh 100% and look forward to voting for him in 2024.”— State Senator Dave Min

“Josh Newman is the real deal. He’s someone who time and time again has put people over politics, and has the extensive experience, skillsets and vision to be a bold champion for his constituents, and all Californians. For these reasons and more, I’m proud to endorse him for Senate District 37.”— State Senator Josh Becker

“Senator Josh Newman has always been a fighter. From his time in the armed services to his battles against special interest groups who tried to steal this seat, Josh is the unwavering champion that Orange County families deserve. That’s why I’m proud to endorse him for District 37.”— State Senator Catherine Blakespear

“Throughout his time in the State Senate, Josh Newman has fought consistently for bold, innovative solutions to California’s biggest challenges. He’s been a champion for working families, safer streets and common-sense gun safety reform. I’m proud to strongly endorse his re-election.”  State Senator Dave Cortese

“As a veteran, businessman, and Senator, my friend Josh Newman has always put people first. I’m proud to support his re-election because Josh’s innovative and pragmatic approach to dealing with complex issues is the type of leadership that Senate District 37 deserves.”— State Senator Bill Dodd

“Josh Newman is a proven leader who has the experience, vision, and dedication that Orange County families deserve in their state senator. I strongly support Josh’s campaign for re-election and look forward to our continued work together to deliver results for all Californians.”— State Senator Steve Padilla

“We need Josh Newman fighting for Orange County in the State Senate. Josh has a proven track record and a wide-ranging skill-set that has delivered positive and tangible change for local neighborhoods across our region. I am proud to endorse Josh Newman for re-election to the Senate.”— Assemblywoman Petrie-Norris

“We need Josh Newman in the State Senate.  From working to combat climate change to investing in education to tackling the affordable housing crisis, I know Josh will continue to be a bold and effective fighter for all the right reasons.  He has consistently demonstrated his leadership and exhibited his integrity for the good people of California and in his district.  I am proud to endorse my friend Josh for re-election.”— State Senator Anthony Portantino

“I’m very pleased to again announce my strong support for Josh Newman for State Senate.  As someone who has seen him in action firsthand, I know that he embodies the bold, pragmatic leadership that we need in Sacramento. As a veteran, businessman, and public servant, Josh is a proven champion for his community with the experience, passion, and vision to develop creative solutions to the problems we face. I’m with him 100%.”— State Senator Susan Rubio

“Josh Newman is a committed public servant who has a proven track record of delivering results for our neighbors across Orange County on the most critical issues we face, from ensuring safer communities, to standing up for working families and more. We need more leaders like Josh who aren’t afraid to take on the status quo in Sacramento and fight for common-sense solutions. As a fellow Army veteran, I am proud to endorse Josh for re-election and look forward to working together to continue making progress for veterans, working families and all Californians.”— California State Senator Tom Umberg

“I am proud to announce my strong support for Josh Newman in his re-election for District 37. Throughout his time in the State Senate, Josh has been an effective, fearless champion for his constituents who has delivered for Orange County time and time again, whether it’s fighting for more good-paying jobs, a 21st Century infrastructure system, tougher environmental protections, stronger local public schools, and more. Josh has the background and forward-thinking vision we need in the State Senate, and he’s the clear choice for SD-37.”— Assemblymember Avelino Valencia

“I’m excited to again endorse my friend Josh Newman for State Senate because his background, record and ability to build consensus to get things done make him uniquely qualified to deliver for his constituents and all Californians. While I know he will be fearless when it comes to advocating for families throughout the 37th District, Josh is also a compassionate, forward-thinking leader who will continue to champion a more fair and just California, including fighting for full, lived equality for all.”— State Senator Scott Wiener

“Josh Newman has been a bold voice for the people of Orange County in the State Senate. An extraordinarily effective leader, Josh has worked hard to get things done, from investments in infrastructure to creating jobs and investing more in public schools. I’m pleased to give him my wholehearted support.”— Villa Park City Councilmember Jordan Wu

“I am thrilled to endorse Senator Josh Newman for re-election. Not only does Josh have the experience and background that’s needed to develop commonsense policies that help our local communities, but he brings great compassion, drive and heart to the work of public service. We need him to keep up the exceptional work as our representative in the State Senate.”— Villa Park City Councilmember Nicol Jones

“From his time in the military to his efforts to expand services for veterans to the State Senate, Josh Newman has been a consummate public servant and a bold champion for the people he represents. That’s why I’m proud to endorse his re-election for State Senate, because with so many major issues impacting our city and state – Costa Mesa needs an experienced and tireless public servant like Josh Newman as our voice in Sacramento. I’m with him 100%.”— Costa Mesa Mayor John Stephens

“Throughout his time in the State Senate, Josh Newman has proven himself as an effective, forward-thinking leader who is singularly focused on problem-solving and delivering for the people he represents. Whether it’s working to build an economy that works for all, protecting our environment, or strengthening public safety and emergency response, Josh Newman is the clear choice for District 37.”— Costa Mesa Councilmember Manuel Chavez

“No candidate is more qualified or better prepared to lead on behalf of the 37th District than Josh Newman. In the State Senate, Josh Newman has proven himself to be extraordinarily effective, building coalitions to deliver on the most critical issues we face– from housing to safer communities to more investments in infrastructure. I’m proud to endorse Josh’s re-election.”— Costa Mesa Councilmember Andrea Marr

“I’m excited to endorse Josh Newman for State Senate, because I know he will work tirelessly to get things done for the people of Costa Mesa and everyone across the 37th District. Let’s send Josh back to Sacramento so he can continue fighting for working and middle class families and our esteemed veterans in Orange County.”— Costa Mesa Councilmember Loren Gameros

“Senator Josh Newman has been an effective leader for the people of Orange County. From working to create more good paying jobs to protecting our air and water to investing in infrastructure and building safer neighborhoods, Senator Newman has delivered for California. I am proud to endorse Josh Newman for re-election.” — Costa Mesa Councilmember Jeff Harlan

Endorse Josh Newman for Senate

Working families, community activists, and students are uniting to elect Josh Newman. Join the team! Submit your information to officially endorse Josh Newman for Senate.

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